1. Recipe Banana Brownie Cake : This recipe of Banana Brownies is an adaptation

of my own banana bread recipe. From simple banana bread to a decadent Banana Brownie with Choco chip…it truly was a pleasure for the taste buds. With the addition of cocoa and Choco chip simply, it took the taste of this most delicious bread to many levels higher. This recipe I call the easiest banana brownies recipe, because even if you just mix all the ingredients together in bowl, it will give you the perfect results. Try this and you will surely fall in love and pin this recipe forever. The banana cocoa combination is just perfect.Banana Choco Brownies: 100%whole wheat.Easy and simple to prepare.Goes perfect with a cup of hot tea or coffee.Kids love it too with a hot glass of milk or a shake.
RECIPE LINK: Banana Brownie
2.Dates Almond Sesame Bites and Loaf :I can call this my healthiest Cake till date. Also, the most satisfying as the kids got all that I wanted them to have without any tantrums and convincing by me.So, I can even call

this a Happy Moms Cake. In my earlier post, I shared the many benefits of Sesame Seeds with all of you. This cake /loaf is just an extension and another recipe the kids would love to eat and will get the wholesome goodness of the rich ingredients like Almonds, Dates and of course Sesame seeds ,all embraced in a 100%wholewheat batter. My kids just drooled over this one and didn’t even come to know about the disguised Super food. The first lot of Mini Bites was gone in minutes by my kids and the cousins. And the loaf is ready and instructed to be put in Tiffin and saved for the Days as well.

make this lovely and healthy recipe.
4. Wholewheat Orange Cookie Flair Cake : This lovely piece of orange bliss needs to introduction.

Its rich with butter , sugar and Oreo crush ,made healthier with wholewheat and kinu juice and dried apricots,along with egg protein . RECIPE LINK: W.O.C.F.CAKE

You will agree with me when you try it yourself. 100% WHOLEWHEAT Cake with goodness of nuts ,almonds, orange juice and all spices. RECIPE LINK: Plum Cake
6.Strawberry Mini Cakes:It goes without saying that these red little sweet ,slightly tart berries are the most loved and rank among the most liked fruits in Winters.Strawberries are rooted deep in history with their wide variety of uses they were put to.Popular since the roman times, these berries have been used for various medicinal purposes.Rich in antioxidants,they are like small package of nutritional powerhouse.Healthy for the body…and pleasing for the Eyes..they actually look like mini hearts topped with a green crown.

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